Is Your Mindset Holding You Back from the Life You Want?

Jun 9, 2022

I’ve got a big question for you: How are you doing…truly doing?

Feeling overwhelmed? Like you don’t know what’s next – or where to go? 

Negative thoughts or confusion running through your mind?  Questioning all past events and decisions – judging yourself and feeling down about them?

These past couple of weeks have reminded me of the importance of our mindset as I spend my days at the hospital, at the bedside of a loved one.

I know that being in a state of overwhelm or negative thoughts won’t serve me – or my loved one. We both needed me to focus on having a positive and healing mindset.   

What exactly do I mean by mindset?

Our mindset is our set of beliefs. Some are learned and some are ingrained. Those beliefs and attitudes are what shape us into how we see ourselves and perceive the world around us. 

The key is that those beliefs and attitudes can be altered – IF we want to change them!  And we can!

That’s what inspired me to start my Motivational Mindset Monday calls, live every Monday at 11 am ET in the Congruent Living for Creatives and Seekers Facebook group. Be sure to join my Facebook Group!

I’ve truly missed doing live calls with you, all these past few weeks. My initial time away – and now spending my time at the hospital has made me realize how important – and transformational – a healthy mindset can be for all of us!   

Last Monday I spoke about the 3 steps to create a productive mindset. 

Whether you want to improve your relationships, your emotional and mental health or build a life of abundance, there are 3 key steps to help you create that. 

Step 1 – ASK YOURSELF, what do you want? 

You have a choice. So what is it? A thought, feeling or an emotion? Maybe a way of living. Do you want to transform your life, body, abundance or relationships? Tap in and tune in. You need to not only be honest with yourself – but be SPECIFIC! 

Step 2 – SEE, FEEL AND VISUALISE what it is that you want!

Use your imagination and see what it is that you’re asking to transform. See it in yourself. Feel it – whether it’s transforming your body, your business or whatever you’ve asked for. Be THAT energy! What does it look like and how does it feel? You have to see, feel and BE that difference.

Step 3 – TAKE THE ACTIONS needed to create the transformation you want!

Be present every day and in every way to transform what it is you’re asking for. Become aware of all the opportunities and signs that present themselves. To help with that, I start my day off with some meditation, activity and listening to something that inspires me that’s transformational. Whether it’s a podcast, music or an audio book. Find what works for you. What is it that will encourage you to engage in the actions and activities that will feed into the transformation you’re looking for.  

Mindset is a huge topic! After last Monday’s live event, I’ve had a lot of viewers messaging me with questions and wanting more details and tips. 

So be sure to watch my next Motivational Mindset Monday where I’m going live, to dive in, even further on the first step of creating a transformational mindset. 

If you missed last week’s call, or know someone who’s struggling and could benefit from this powerful and transformational process, watch the replay on my YouTube channel. Please share it with a friend or loved one!


“Embrace the mindset of living in the present, forward. The past is in the rearview mirror and NOT a roadblock to your future.”

–   LeAura Alderson  –


Remember to live boldly and love greatly! Have a wonderful week filled with confidence and inspiration!

Big hugs,

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