This Phrase Can Help You to Start Tapping into Your Intuition

Aug 4, 2022

Are you struggling to trust your intuition – or worse – feeling like you’ve completely lost that inner being?

This month, I’ll be talking about our Intuition. It’s one of our most powerful tools and something we all have. It’s an ever expanding, evolving awareness within, to help you understand that there’s more of you than you know – or have been willing to know.

Here’s the thing! We’re integrated with our inner being – or intuition – when we’re born.

Think about how naturally intuitive very young children are. How they instinctively trust – or distrust someone or something. They’re so beautifully instinctive, authentic, and trusting of themselves, their inner energies and all that they hear, see and are aware of.

They’re not held back by societal expectations or fear of being judged. Children just want to dance, play, and live in the moment.

So how did we lose our natural Intuition?

During the first six years of our life – our most informative years – that inner being becomes eroded as we’re conditioned and trained to be and feel the energies and beliefs of others around us.

Parents, teachers, and those closest to us inadvertently instil what’s real and what’s not. How we should behave, who we should trust and who we should be.

They’ve unintentionally trained us to be responsive to the energy of others – not of ourselves. As a result, we’ve suppressed our own intuition as we’ve become accustomed to serving and doing what others need us to do.

Fortunately, we have the power to tap into our intuition. To dig deep and let it re-emerge!

Start by asking yourself – How do I feel?

Does it feel constricted or expansive?

If it feels good, trust that! Don’t overthink things. Let the thoughts follow in that direction.

However, if it feels like you’re in the problem-solving mode, let it go!

Either way it will play out as it continues to evolve.

Rebuilding our intuition is something I teach in my Congruent Living Academy. Our students practice tapping into and being aware of what their delicious emotions are telling them.

In this week’s Transformational Motivation Mindset Moment’s video, I share the juicy golden phrase I have my students say to themselves often, every day to help them tap into their intuition! Be sure to watch and repeat it several times a day (just past the 15-minute mark).

Remember, where your attention goes, energy flows. Nurturing and trusting your intuition allows you to be in alignment with all that comes to you! – THAT’S what we call Congruent Living!


“Follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

–   Steve Jobs –


Here’s to trusting your intuition!

Have a wonderful week filled with confidence and inspiration!

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