Do you think self care is selfish?
We’re taught to believe that self care is a non-essential self-indulgent luxury. One that conjures images of spa and salon treatments, manis, pedis and shopping sprees.
There are a variety of ways to practise self care. In fact, self care is one of the most selfless actions you can take to improve ALL areas of – not just your life – but those around you.

It’s putting YOUR oxygen mask on first – so you can THEN take care of others!
We’ve all experienced times in our lives where we’ve felt overwhelmed, tired, and unproductive.
Our tank’s empty – leaving us without the energy for anyone or anything!
Skipping self care leads to being ill-equipped emotionally, mentally, and/or physically, to handle any challenges that life throws at us.

Society has led us to believe that the most caring and selfless thing we can do is put the needs of others first. So, we put our energy and efforts into taking care of our children, partners, employers, family, and friends. And only then… IF there’s anything left in the tank, we may consider doing something for ourselves – albeit, with a deep pang of guilt and shame.
When we’re constantly putting our own needs aside… whether at home or the office, we become overworked and exhausted! Constantly judging, doubting, and questioning ourselves.
Self care is about choice… choice in what we need to change, do and be.

It can not only help improve your emotional, mental, and physical health – but it brings clarity and builds confidence! That’s why I’ve decided to dedicate the next two months to the four quadrants of Self Care – spiritual, emotional, physical, and psychological.
In this week’s video I talk about why self care is essential in creating a life you love.
Self care is the delicious intentional action you take, to recognize and address your own experiences in creating a life you love.
It allows you to identify and acknowledge that you’re having a tough time with something. Giving you the opportunity to ask yourself what’s on the opposite end of this difficult situation and what are my choices?

What awareness here would bring me back to a sense of being whole? At peace… confident… energised?
Tap into those intuitive juices that are popping within! Remind yourself of who you came here to truly be.
When you take care of yourself, the powerful trickle-down effect helps improve all areas of your life and relationships – both personally and professionally.
“Self-care is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation.”
– Sylvia Clare –
Here’s to recognizing the importance of self care, to create a life you truly desire, by choice!
Have a wonderful week filled with confidence, courage and inspiration!