Do you find yourself wondering how you got to where you are?… Frustrated that you haven’t achieved your dreams?
Before you figure out what’s missing, you first need to ask yourself if you’re truly living a life you love?
The life you desire… one that you’ve always dreamed of?
Here’s the thing. A dream is not a destination. It’s a journey…it’s going down that road, being aware of the signs that are providing direction along the way. Letting you know that you’re getting closer and heading down the right path.
Let’s face it, your dreams now are likely to be different from the dreams you chose five or ten years ago. They’re constantly shifting and changing.
And you’re never too young or too old to dream! They don’t have a deadline. Dreams are part of you! A beautiful, bold life force that’s within you!
So what on earth would cause you to push a dream away?
Well… you!
All too often, you’ll find yourself unknowingly running away from your dreams. You start focusing on the how’s, which then leads to you saying… and believing these two short words… “No” and “Can’t”! Words that’ll make your dreams disintegrate.
A dream isn’t about wishing for something to magically happen or change. It’s about doing the work!
So, here’s my challenge to you!
Write down your dreams
Every morning, I want you to commit to reaching for that pen and paper and writing down five dreams! YOUR dreams… not someone else’s. And not FOR somebody else. These are dreams you have for YOUR life. The life you’re living. The life you desire.
I want you to sit and be honest with yourself. Write down those five delicious dreams. Be with them… play with them! They may always be the same – or completely different. The key is to write them down. Because here’s the deal. We know that where your attention goes… your energy goes… and that the Universe is there with you.
It doesn’t matter what it looks like. You just need to be willing to sit and be with your dreams every morning. To focus your attention and energy on those dreams.
That my friend, is the Law of Attraction!
What’s so powerful about doing this daily challenge, is that you’re already creating a different energy from what you would normally experience, if you did nothing at all.
Nothing’s gonna change until you make a change.
If you don’t take action and continue to accept the status quo, your thoughts will continue to focus on regretting what you haven’t done or dragging something from the past into the present.
As a result, your energy and attention will be focused on those negative thoughts and regrets.
By putting the work into this daily challenge, you become more aware and present with your dreams.
Once you’ve written down those five juicy dreams you need to ask yourself, “Am I creating my day for these dreams?… or am I fighting against them?
It’s not about coming up with HOW you’ll achieve those dreams. It’s about believing and trusting that they’ll happen. Your job is to turn the flame up on your dreams and burn that flame… brightly! For that to happen, you need to be honest with yourself. To recognize what you’ve been denying yourself… and let go, allowing it into your life!
This is something I go into a lot deeper in The Congruent Method! I walk my clients through this and introduce many other methods that help them create the life they desire. To discover and fulfill their dreams. Click here if you’re ready to take that step and work together!
I would love to hear what dreams you’ve realized that you’ve been pushing back on! Share in the comments!
““All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
– Walt Disney –
Have a wonderful week filled with love and gratitude!
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Once a year, in December, I open up my special Unlimited Laser Coaching package to 8 new people.
And this is the week!
What can transformational Mindset Coaching bring to your life?
A relationship with a coach is unlike any other personal or professional relationship. A coach, through their training and expertise, sees the coachee holistically and encourages the coachee to bring their whole self to the coaching sessions.
For LESS than $84 per month you can start discovering all that’s possible in creating a life you love with my 12-month Unlimited Laser Coaching Package… with ZERO RISK!
That’s just $997 for 12 full months of unlimited Laser Coaching with me!
This offer is going fast. There are only four spots left!
This offer closes Monday, December 12th, so grab your spot now by clicking here: