Being Congruent. The Beginners Guide

Dec 30, 2022

Being Congruent. The Beginners Guide.

It’s a question that many have asked. What IS being congruent?

The definition of congruent is “being in agreement” or in harmony. It’s having two things that can exist in harmony, without issues.

That’s how your life should feel. That it’s in harmony and in agreement with your own beliefs. That it aligns with your personal targets, desires and needs.

Now I want you to think about that. Are you living a congruent life? Or have you put your personal beliefs and desires aside?

Struggling to find your way while trying to make others happy, ultimately adopting THEIR beliefs and desires?

Ask yourself – are you trying to meet the expectations set by your parents or spouse? Societal pressures or norms? Or are you being or doing what others determine as best for you? If it’s not what you believe in, or isn’t in harmony with what YOU truly want, that’s not a congruent life.

Recognize Where You’re At


Do you wake up in the middle of the night wondering what’s happened with your life? How did you get to where you are… when did you start putting aside your own beliefs, dreams, and desires… and why?

In order to reach that transformational moment of being congruent, it’s important that you recognize where you’re at – and where you truly want to be.

Think about what being congruent means to you and are you the person you genuinely want to be. Then start celebrating you, your life, living and loving everyday!

When you’re in the energy of celebration, you’re able to transform.

The first step is to lower your barriers and tap into what it is that you’re celebrating about YOU and the life you’re living. Not what you’re celebrating about someone else’s accomplishments – just YOU and your achievements!

When you celebrate yourself, it creates an energy and vibration that attracts even more of that deliciousness into your life.

Rather than focusing on what isn’t working well for yourself, and even the world around you, stack your celebrations… not the crap!

Then tune out the negativity around you, whether it’s negative people, the media or your own thoughts.

Instead, ask yourself every day… “Who am I today?” What grand and glorious adventure can I create with this day? Remind yourself, that you’re the person who’s asking for greater! That you’re willing to be present with what is and is not working. And celebrate that awareness.

Celebrate Yourself


So how do you celebrate those juicy moments? It’s tapping in, noticing the moments. Asking yourself, “What am I proud of today? and CELEBRATE THAT! It’s not about decorations, balloons or presents. It’s about recognizing how YOU stepped out of your routine, that comfort zone. Stretching yourself and leaning into what brings greater… what brings you joy!

And most importantly, celebrate with GRATITUDE!!

Doesn’t that sound delicious? Think of all the beautiful possibilities that would create for you!
That, my friend, is why I created Congruent Living! A powerfully proven program that utilizes The Congruent Method.

Helping people like you, realize that there is a different, more wondrous way to live. A fulfilling, joyful and purposeful life.

A life in harmony, with intention. One where you follow YOUR beliefs, dreams, and desires and live a life that YOU love!

If you feel confused and frustrated – as if you’re stuck living someone else’s life and following someone else’s dreams? The Congruent Method is what you need!

I would love to hear what a Congruent Life would look like for you? What amazing things would you want to do… be… and see? Share in the comments below.

“Be congruent, be authentic, be your true self.”
– Mahatma Gandhi – 

Have a wonderful week filled with love and gratitude!

P.S. Did you attend my Wrapping Up 2022 With a Win Masterclass? If you missed it, for a limited time, I’ll share the recording with you. This is your opportunity to recognize your wins from 2022, and use that delicious energy and excitement to attract and create what you truly desire for 2023… a life you love!
To receive a copy of the recording, request yours here and I’ll personally send you the link! ***Available until January 2, 2023 at 11 pm EST***

Wrapping Up 2022 With a Win Masterclass recording

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