Have you ever imagined your future self?
Thought about what you really desire for your future?
This isn’t about basic tasks, or what you’ll be able to do… or even not do. It’s about tapping in and asking yourself, what it is that you want to do and be in the future.
You see my friend, when you understand who you want to be in the future, you’re able to make better choices.
Your future self is the person you see yourself becoming as you grow. What does that version of you need and want? Connecting with your future self can help you plan for your long-term desires and strategies.
It allows you to recognize those desires that will lead you into tomorrow, and the next day, and so on.
Because you’re always growing, it’s vital to understand what it IS that you’re growing towards!
So, right now, take a moment and ask yourself, “What do I really want? Who do I see myself being in my future as me?
What’s your vision of you in creating a life you love in six months, a year or maybe two.
Please don’t choose something that’s so fantastical or vague… or so far into the future, that it feels impossible. Trust me, you’ll end up giving up on yourself before you’re even out of the gate.
What does that look like for you? Is it focusing on improving your health and well-being? Traveling or moving to a different country? Living in a home that nurtures you? Building closer relationships with those who are supportive and encourage your dreams and desires? Or creating and attracting the money you’d like to see flowing in? Or all of that!
Once you’ve decided on who you want to be and how that feels, let’s set your intention of creating a life you love in a way that will manifest what you have so far only dreamed of.
Visualize your future self!
When you close your eyes and breathe into the sensation, seeing yourself living that life you love, pay attention to all those delicious details.
This short, intentional form of meditation will help you see all that’s possible. Close your eyes. Put your hands on your heart, Invite your future self to join you. Listen.
What does YOUR future self look like? Not someone else’s vision or expectations of what you should be – but what it is that YOU want to be!
Remember, this is about creating a life YOU love. Drink it all in! Feel the joy and pride of seeing yourself being and doing all you imagined.
Taking the time to emotionally connect with our future selves can change the way we think and strengthen our ability to make positive choices in the present moment. Making simple changes such as playing out a decision before we act on it can connect us more deeply to our future self.
Write it down!
Now that you’ve visualized what you want for your future self, make an even deeper connection by writing down all the juicy details.
Journalling is a powerful process that attracts and builds the energies of what you want to create. It makes them real, inviting you to tap into and discover even more of what’s possible!
You see, you create everything twice. Once in your mind and the second is when you put it into action. And writing down what you desire to create is the beginning of the action process.
Start using future-based generative language!
It’s about speaking in powerful future-based terms. Speaking in the future tense aligns you, your hopes, dreams and desires with the energies of your future.
Now, start playing with those future energies and draw them onto you, right now,in the present. That’s called generative language – one that really shapes your view of the future.
Remember, every word you say to yourself has an energy, connecting to and attracting all that’s possible in the Universe.
The key to creating your future self, is your willingness and desire to commit to taking these actions. Focus! Embrace your future self and create all the delicious possibilities.
You need to plant those seeds today. Then nourish and watch them grow into something amazing!
I would love to hear what you’ve discovered about your future self. Please share in the comments below!
“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”
-Warren Buffet-
Have a wonderful week filled with love and gratitude!
Here’s to creating a congruent life you love!
P.S. If ever there was a time to envision your future and work towards creating a life you love, the time is now. And the best part is , you don’t have to do it alone.