Worried because you can’t see your future?

Jan 26, 2023

Worried because you can’t see your future?

You’ve heard me talk about the power of connecting to your future self.

It’s an effective way for you to visualize, contemplate, and consider all that’s possible! To dig deep and think about what it is that you want to be, see, and do.

Whether it’s imagining your life three months, or three years from now, you can use your inspiration and thoughts to dive in and dream about all that’s possible for your future self.

But what if you can’t see anything?

Maybe lately you feel as if you’ve turned the channel and it’s just a blank screen.

Before you panic, no, that doesn’t mean you don’t have a future – it just means you’re unclear with what you genuinely want for your future.

You’re not tapping into your energies, listening to what brings you joy, or focusing on what it is that you want for yourself.

So why does this happen?

It’s because you’ve lost sight of yourself.

When you get caught up in what others expect of you, whether it’s pressure from your spouse, friends, parents, teachers – to do what it is that they want you to do – to be who they think you should be, you’re no longer honouring yourself.

You’ve heard people say that they feel like they don’t recognize themselves anymore. That they no longer know who they are.

They’re feeling lost.

And maybe you’re feeling that way too?

But you don’t have to.

Here’s the thing. This is YOUR life! This is YOUR future!
You have the power to shape and create your future. How incredible is that?

Now I want you to be honest with yourself. You know you’re not the same person you were 5 years ago – and you’re not gonna be the same person 5 years from now.

You’re a beautiful infinite being. An ever-evolving delicious energy that’s shifting and changing constantly.

But that’s not to say that you have no control over those changes.

In fact, you have more power and control than you know. It’s just that You haven’t discovered that version of you… yet!

Now’s the time to take your life by the reins and create what it is that YOU want!

Your future is there for the taking.

You are the source!

Just because you can’t see your future doesn’t mean it’s not there. It just means that you need to tap in. Ask yourself the question, “What is it that I want to do, see and be,” three months from now? Three years from now?

Really dial in and imagine what it looks, sounds and feels like. What are you asking for in your future? Is it abundance? Joy? A relationship?

Then ask yourself, is this my dream of what I want to do, see and be in the future…MY future? Or is it what others want or expect of me? If it’s the latter, let that go. Shake it off and then ask yourself again. What is it that I want to do, see and be.

It’s about being clear and true to yourself and no longer denying yourself of all that you desire in life.

Clarity and choice are incredibly empowering. It’s what will help lift that fog that’s blocking you from seeing your future.

You’ll start aligning with the dreams you choose, with the authentic energy of what it is that YOU  truly want. And who YOU want to be!

You’ll start to see your future come to life.

That, my friend is creating a congruent life.

Please share what you’ve discovered about your future self in the comments below!

“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.”
– Og Mandino – 

Have a wonderful week filled with love and gratitude!

P.S. Success is propelled by support. You don’t have to do it alone. Find out how to implement these, and all the other juicy steps and processes we use in the Congruent Living Academy.

Book your free, personal Clarity Call with me!

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