How to fall back in love with… you

Feb 15, 2023

How to fall back in love with… you!

Have you ever watched a sweet little baby as they lift their tiny hands and stare at them with absolute fascination?

As a baby discovers their arms, hands, feet, and legs, they fall in love with their little body.

It’s a beautiful and pure love. There’s absolutely no self judgment, criticism or feeling of inadequacies.

You see, when we’re born, we simply fall in love with everything about ourselves.

So how did we stop appreciating our abilities and fall out of love with ourselves?

Oddly enough, it inadvertently stems from those who love you most.

Maybe you were told that you’re too sensitive or not brave enough. That you’re not good at something, you’re too fat, or too skinny. And as you get older, those comments begin to shape your beliefs about yourself.

You suddenly start looking at yourself and your body through the critical lens of others. And soon you start buying into their opinions and stories.

The result? You feel like you’re not good enough. That you don’t fit in.

Before you know it, you’ve fallen out of love with yourself.

And let’s face it, you’re not taught to love yourself. You’re taught that love is something you give to and receive from others.
It leads you down a path, looking and searching for that external validation and love. But it’s gonna be a never-ending search. Why?…

Because no one can love you the way you love yourself.

You are your own soul mate. The one and only person who can make you feel complete, is you!

So how do you fall back in love with yourself?

First, you need to be willing to accept you… for you! To know, respect, and appreciate who you are, so you can discover yourself again!

To recognize that self-judgment and self-criticism are not self-serving.

Self love is a practice. It’s an ongoing process.

It’s interrupting those negative thoughts that are keeping you small, and asking yourself, “Is that really true?”

Thinking and creating a bigger vision of you!

How you feel about yourself, reflects in all your other emotions.

Self Love Steps

Here are three juicy Self Love steps that I practice each day:

  1. Practice choosing for YOU daily. One choice a day is all it takes to change the habit of not choosing for you.
  2. Start appreciating the little things you do for you. The only person’s approval you need is yours.
  3. Choose you, no matter what it looks like, no matter what it takes.

To learn where each step can take you, check out How to fall back in love with…you.

As you connect with yourself, you’ll begin to realize just how much you truly look forward to being in your own company. That’s where true creation begins.

Which of the three steps are you excited most about starting? Please share in the comments below!

“Respect, love, and value yourself. Always remember to be good to yourself by taking care of yourself. Make yourself a priority and know that it’s okay. Don’t feel guilty for loving yourself, first! You’re just as important as anybody else.”

– Stephanie Lahart – 

Here’s to creating a life you love,

P.S. How do I stop taking care of everyone and find time for myself?… I feel like I’ve lost my lust for life… My life has been taking care of everyone else for years, I don’t know who I am anymore…

These were just a few of the comments I received from my recent Congruent Living Poll.

If any of those comments resonate with you, you’re gonna love this! My new Putting Yourself First Masterclass is really all about letting go of the people pleaser inside of you. This is one of the most important steps in creating a life you love! Be sure to register here!

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