Start your spring with a clean slate

Mar 22, 2023

Start your spring with a clean slate!

Start your spring with a clean slate using this 3-step strategy

As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, new growth begins to emerge from the warmth of the sun. Everything begins to bloom and blossom into life… including yourself!

When we celebrate the spring equinox and the new moon, it represents the return to balance. A time for new beginnings and new life.  

Just like the earth, that’s constantly renewing itself with each new season, you too have the power to renew yourself.

It’s the opportunity to create a fresh start and encourage healthy growth in your life.

Consider how the trees shed their old leaves and grow new ones in the spring, or how juicy buds bloom into plants and flowers. You too can plant your own proverbial garden this spring.

If you’re ready to reap your rewards from planting those seeds of thoughts, intentions, and desires, use this 3-step strategy to clean your slate and begin your season of growth.

Spring cleaning!

If you’re like so many of us, there’s something so cathartic and refreshing about doing spring cleaning at home. It’s when we go through our spaces, clearing, decluttering, and cleaning. Removing what’s old and no longer works for us. Reorganizing and tidying up what we still need and want, so we can start fresh.  

It works the same way for your life. To start creating, with a clean fresh slate this spring, follow these three strategies.

Step 1: Reflect and review

Take time for yourself. Close your eyes, be present and reflect on what’s working for you and what’s not. This was a life changing step for me years ago when I realized that an organization I was with was no longer representing or serving the shifts and growths that I desired in life.

Let go, just as I did, of what’s not contributing to the future you’re longing for. Breathe into what’s not only contributing to the life you desire… but also what brings you to life!

Focus on what supports your vision. What would you love to create? Write it down! When you get a thought out of your head and onto paper, it totally changes and shifts your energies, as it clears space and makes room to create even more!

Then review and check in with what you’ve written down.

Step 2: Clean and declutter

Stand back and take an aerial view of your life. Ask yourself if there’s anything that needs decluttering. What needs to be cleaned up and cleared out so you can put your energies towards creating a life you love?

This allows you to create powerful opportunities for yourself and discover what’s possible, and to create a positive change.

When you declutter your physical space, it also declutters your head space which has a positive impact on your emotional and mental well-being. This allows you to let go of negative thought patterns, limiting beliefs, and old emotional baggage that’s holding you back. It is calming, brings clarity and clears space for new positive thoughts and creations.

Step 3: Embracing the energies of new beginnings

Try something new! This step is to get yourself out of your comfort zone. The spring equinox and new moon are powerful times for growth and renewal, providing the perfect opportunity for you to stretch yourself and try new things.

Ask yourself, what have you always wanted to try? Is there somewhere you’ve wanted to go? Something you’ve wanted to do, be or see? Write it down and then determine which one is your first priority?

What are your next steps to move closer to make it happen? Then act… we know the Universe rewards action!  

By implementing these three strategies, you’ll be able to take action towards your desires and embrace the momentum to new beginnings. Tap into the powerful energies of the spring equinox and the new moon to create those delicious positive changes in your life!

I’d love for you to share in the comments below, what you’re most excited about trying this spring?

“What I know for sure is that when you declutter – whether it’s on your home, your head, or your heart – it is astounding what will flow into that space that will enrich you, your life, and your family.”

–  Peter Walsh –

Have a wonderful week filled with light and love!

Here’s to living a live you love!

Big hugs,

P.S. Support + Structure = Success! You don’t need to go it alone. Jumpstart your journey! I’ll be by your side, walking you through the steps and processes to implement these tools, along with all the other juicy tools and proven processes that are part of The Congruent Method, reach out to me here!

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