The Power of Shifting Your Story to Create the Future You Desire

Apr 5, 2023

The Power of Shifting Your Story to Create the Future You Desire

Have you ever found yourself in a mental tug-of-war between your past and your future?

It’s like you’re pulling yourself in two different directions. On the one hand, you’re trying to move forward and create a better life for yourself. On the other hand, you’re holding onto the beliefs and stories that have been with you for years.

This is what I call the “backstory.” Your backstory is everything that has happened to you up until this point – your experiences, your beliefs, your perceptions. 

And while it’s important to acknowledge and honor your backstory, it’s equally important to recognize when it’s holding you back from creating the future you desire.

Today, we’re going to explore the concept of living in congruence with who you are and how you’re creating your life.

 As we dive into this topic, I want to start by asking you a question: What’s your story? 

We all have a story, and it’s usually the first thing we share when we meet someone new. 

But have you ever considered how much power you’re giving your backstory? Your backstory is everything that has happened to you up until this point, and it’s natural to want to hold onto it.

But sometimes, holding onto your backstory can feel like a mental tug-of-war between your past and your future.

The key to overcoming this tug-of-war is to shift your mindset and focus on the future you want to create.

Everything we say and do has an energetic vibration, and the story we tell ourselves is no different. 

So, it’s important to pay attention to your inner dialogue and the story you’re telling yourself. Is it helping you move toward the future you desire, or is it holding you back?

Now’s the time to embrace and explore who you’re asking to be, not who you’ve been told you have to be.

We all have many beings within us, and it’s up to us to choose which one we want to be.

Take a moment to tap into that inner being, that essential spark within you, and ask yourself who you want to be. 

Don’t let your backstory hold you back from creating the life you desire.

Instead, use it as a foundation to build the future you deserve. Let’s shift our mindset and focus on creating a future of congruence and alignment with our true selves.

How are going to shift your mindset today? Please share in the comments below!

“The future belongs to those who believe in their beauty of their dreams.”

–  Eleanor Roosevelt

Have a wonderful week filled with love and gratitude!

Here’s to creating a life you love!

Big hugs,

P.S. When you’re ready…
Here are 3 more ways to play with Susan:

1. Join the Congruent Living Facebook group, a space created for creatives and seekers to discover and regain their focus in order to create a joy-filled, creative, and fulfilling life.

2. Work with me PRIVATELY to truly create a life you love because the reality is, you have more power and potential inside you than you realize.
Book a complimentary clarity session with me today.

3. Download my Heart-Centered Activation. This is an effective practice that I use daily that has been helpful to hundreds of seekers in creating a life they love.

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