Live a More Congruent Life: 3 Tips to Align Your Values, Vision, and Intuition

Apr 20, 2023

Live a More Congruent Life: 3 Tips to Align Your Values, Vision, and Intuition

As humans, we all have an inner voice that guides us toward a more authentic, fulfilling life. This inner voice is called intuition, and it acts as a compass that points us in the right direction. In this blog post, I’ll share three tips to help you align your values, vision, and intuition and live a more congruent life.

Tip #1: Tune into your intuition

Tuning into your intuition is like a compass that can guide you toward a more congruent life. When something doesn’t feel right, listen to that inner voice and explore why. What is this? What can I do with it? Can I change this? Take some time to be still and quiet. Do meditation or listen to a guided meditation or just tap into your inner voice and ask your day what it is requiring of you today. That feeling, that emotion, and tap into it. That’s your intuition.

Tip #2: Get clear on your values

Living congruently means living in a way that feels authentic and fulfilling to you. If you’re not feeling like your life is fulfilled, get clear on your values. Spend time with yourself. When you’re clear on what your values are and what you value most, you can align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your values.

Tip #3: Take action toward your vision

Once you’ve got your values, take action toward your vision. When you have a clear vision of living a life matching your values, you’re living a congruent life – what you want your life to look like. Take small steps towards that vision every day, and over time; these small steps will lead to big, big changes.

Living congruently is a journey, not a destination. It’s about being true to yourself and living in a way that feels authentic, true to you, and fulfilling. Recognizing when you’re not living congruently is the first step to making changes and living a more authentic, fulfilling life. It’s like taking a deep breath and resetting your internal compass. Take time today to reflect on these tips and consider how you can align your thoughts, emotions, and actions to live a more congruent life.

Are you wondering what living a congruent life could create for you in creating a life you love? Do you have questions about where to start? 

Please share your questions and comments below!


“Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.”



-Brené Brown

Have a wonderful week filled with love and gratitude!

Here’s to creating a life you love!

Big hugs,

P.S. When you’re ready…
Here are 3 more ways to play with Susan:

1. Join the Congruent Living Facebook group, a space created for creatives and seekers to discover and regain their focus in order to create a joy-filled, creative, and fulfilling life.

2. Work with me PRIVATELY to truly create a life you love because the reality is, you have more power and potential inside you than you realize.
Book a complimentary clarity session with me today.

3. Download my Heart-Centered Activation. This is an effective practice that I use daily that has been helpful to hundreds of seekers in creating a life they love.

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