Embracing Change Within to Create a Life You Love

Sep 7, 2023

Embracing Change Within to Create a Life You Love


Hey there, lovely readers! I’m absolutely thrilled to have you join me here on The Congruent Life blog for a transformative and motivational discussion today.

Unlocking the Power of Change

Before we dive into the heart of the matter, I’m genuinely curious – how’s life treating you? Whether you’re tuning in from across the globe or here in Vermont, one of my personal havens, I’m deeply grateful for your presence.

Today, let’s embark on a journey together, a journey centered around change and the endless possibilities it opens up for us.

My mission here is simple: to ignite that spark within you and inspire you to seize this very day as a catalyst for transforming your life into something truly extraordinary – whatever “extraordinary” means to you.

It could be abundance, freedom, self-love, or a beautiful fusion of your dreams.

The Shift Within

The universe itself is in a state of constant flux, and as we recently witnessed with those two awe-inspiring full moons in August, there’s a cosmic shift happening. It’s about rediscovering love within ourselves embracing self-validation over the relentless pursuit of external approval. That’s what congruent living is all about – finding harmony with our true selves across all facets of life, be it our relationships, self-care routines, or our profound connection with our wondrous planet.

Setting Intentions for Change

So, let’s kick things off by setting a heartfelt intention for today. Let’s commit to be fully present in our desire for change – change for ourselves, the world we inhabit, and the boundless universe that surrounds us. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

Redefining “What Do You Do?”

Many of us devote a significant portion of our lives to work, whether it’s a job we’re passionate about, our entrepreneurial ventures, or simply navigating the endless responsibilities and to-do lists that come our way. It’s so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of busyness, and it’s become almost second nature for people to inquire, “What do you do?” But what if we flipped the script and asked, “Who are you?” Let’s initiate a conversation about how we shape our world and how our journey intersects with the lives of others.

Embrace the Pause

Remember, it’s perfectly okay to hit the pause button, step back, and evaluate where you stand. Reflect on your work-life balance and set meaningful objectives if you find yourself veering away from a path that truly resonates with your heart. Today is the day to ask those big, somewhat uncomfortable questions.

The Power of Asking

Are you a leader guiding a team? Consider offering them more flexibility with remote work.

Are you contemplating embarking on a new venture or taking that entrepreneurial leap? Perhaps it’s time to acquire some new skills.

And the grandest question of them all – what are you asking from life itself?

Your Life, Your Creation

Your life is a vibrant canvas; you consciously chose this human experience here on Earth.

Is your life granting you the desires you’ve been earnestly asking for?

Take a moment to jot down those desires and then question if they truly resonate with you.

Finally, contemplate which of these aspirations are within your grasp and what your very next step should be.

Small Changes, Big Impact

It’s remarkable how minor adjustments can significantly boost productivity, focus, and overall energy. That’s why I encourage you to put your intentions down on paper. Trust me; the simple act of writing helps clear your mind of lingering doubts.

Creating a Life You Love

Now, let’s take a deeper dive into your objectives across various aspects of life – whether it’s your health, relationships, time management, or financial well-being.

Are you on the right path?

Is your life aligning with the desires you’ve been asking for?

It’s crucial to stay fully present with what you seek.

Setting SMART Targets

Moving forward, let’s explore how you can best support yourself in making these changes. Start by setting SMART targets – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound targets.

Ensure these targets resonate with your true self and the life you aim to craft.

Taking Action

If you’re buzzing with inspiration but feeling unsure about the next steps, always remember that taking action is the key.

Don’t let those brilliant ideas linger on the sidelines. Implement them, even if it’s through small, gradual changes.

This blog post we’re sharing right now is just the beginning of your incredible journey of personal growth.

Supporting Each Other

Let’s extend our support to one another, ask questions, and engage in meaningful dialogues. Always keep in mind that your life is your canvas, and you possess the incredible power to paint it with any colors you choose. Join the revolution of change; don’t simply be a spectator on the sidelines.

Embracing Change and the Cosmic Energy

As we wholeheartedly embrace change, let’s tap into the energy of those two new moons and the upcoming full moons. Change is calling out to you, and it’s high time you answered that call.

Investing in Yourself

Take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and invest in your personal growth. Expanding your horizons and giving back to your community can be profoundly fulfilling. Are you actively contributing positively to your community and, in turn, growing as an individual?

Every Day Is an Opportunity

Always remember every single day is an opportunity for growth and reflection.

This is your life, and you have the magnificent ability to create anything your heart desires. If you ever need guidance or support, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Your Transformation Awaits

Thank you for being right here, right now, and for being an integral part of this incredible journey of transformation through our blog.

Have an absolutely amazing day, and let’s continue embracing change, one step at a time, as we work towards creating lives we genuinely love.

If today’s conversation resonated with you, it’s time to take action. 

Remember, change begins with a single step, and your transformation awaits. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need guidance support or simply want to connect. 

Lets hop on a call this week and we can see how I can support you! 

“Embrace change, transform your life, and create a masterpiece that your heart truly loves.”

-Susan Lazar Hart-

Have a wonderful week filled with love and gratitude! Here’s to living a life you love. Big hugs,

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