Embracing Transformation: Navigating the Path to Change

Jan 11, 2024

Hello there, and welcome to our ‘Ask Susan Transformational Motivational Moment’ for this month. Today, we’re diving deep into the theme of ‘Choice Creates.’

We’ve received a fantastic question from Paula, a valued member of our Congruent Living Community, to kick things off: ‘How can I trust the changes I’m seeking?’ Paula, let me assure you that you’re not alone in this journey. We’ve all been there—excited about changing, only to slip back into those familiar old patterns.

I’ve personally walked that path year after year. However, last year marked a significant shift for me. I recently stumbled upon a letter I wrote to myself on New Year’s Eve in 2022, outlining my aspirations for 2024. In it, I detailed my business goals, the kind of people I wanted in my life, and, most importantly, how I wanted to feel throughout the year.

To my surprise, I had achieved much of what I had set out to do. So, what was the difference? It was my approach. I asked myself, ‘Who would I have to be if I truly honored my word to myself?’ Instead of focusing on specific goals like exercising three times a week or breaking bad habits, I centered my vision on my future self. I considered the dreams, desires, and creations I was willing to commit to with my body, mind, and soul—all while paying special attention to how those choices would make me feel.

Here are a few suggestions to help you kickstart this New Year and start making choices that align with a life you genuinely love. And guess what? I’ll dive deeper into these during my upcoming Thursday event, where I’ll host a free class on creating a life you adore.

Focus on what you already have: It’s easy to fixate on scarcity, but true abundance comes from appreciating what’s already in your life. This year, I’ll focus on the people I love, my good health, and my ability to steer my life in the desired direction.

Use your imagination for creation: Imagination is a powerful tool to help you turn your dreams into reality. Instead of dwelling on potential pitfalls, imagine the fulfillment and positive impact you can create.

Stop comparing yourself to others: Comparing yourself to others can be a major roadblock to your personal growth. Nurture your own garden rather than focusing on your neighbor’s.

Embrace vulnerability: Choosing vulnerability is a powerful choice that can lead to personal growth, deeper connections, and a life you truly love. I recently witnessed its transformative power in one of my coaching clients. Their willingness to be vulnerable led to relief, empowerment, and deeper connections with themselves and loved ones. Embrace vulnerability, and you’ll choose strength and connection.

Remember, it’s not about perfection but consistency. Choose one or two areas to focus on, and build from there. This year, let your choices guide you toward the life you desire. It’s time to set yourself up for success!

The power of mindfulness and mindset tools becomes essential in moments like these. They serve as our guiding lights, helping us observe our patterns without judgment and prompting us to ask critical questions: Are we staying true to our own values? Are we in love with a person, or are we infatuated with the idea of who we want them to be?

The first step towards transformation lies in choosing to invest in ourselves. It’s about healing our wounds and nurturing a loving relationship with our own being. This forms the foundation of the Congruent Living Method, where we learn the significance of honoring the relationship we have with ourselves before anyone else.

If this message resonates with you, it’s time to redirect your energy to prioritize self-nurturing. Embrace mindfulness practices that center your peace and well-being. Cultivate a mindset that reinforces your self-worth.

Transform Your Progress with Personalized Guidance 🌟

Feeling stuck or frustrated with where you are? If you’re reading this after Thursday, know that it’s never too late to seek change. The Congruent Method is about aligning your life with your true aspirations, and I’m here to guide you through it.

Let’s connect for a one-on-one conversation. Together, we can explore how the Congruent Method can help you build a life you truly love. Schedule a time with me directly – it’s easy. Just click on my calendar link below and pick a slot that suits you.

Book your session here. 

Your journey towards a fulfilling life is just a conversation away. Let’s make it happen!

Here’s to embracing a life and love that aligns with your deepest self.

“Stop comparing yourself to others. This habit can become a significant obstacle in your journey of personal growth. Instead, focus on nurturing your own garden, tending to your unique talents and aspirations, rather than fixating on your neighbor’s landscape.”

-Susan Lazar Hart-

Have a wonderful week filled with love and gratitude! Here’s to living a life you love. Big hugs,

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