Why People Get Stuck

Aug 17, 2024

Have you ever felt so close to achieving something incredible, like applying for a dream job, making a new friend, or taking on a thrilling project, only to pull back at the last moment? 

You’re not alone. 

This hesitation often stems from a daunting question: “What if I’m not as good as people think I am?”

Years ago, I faced a pivotal moment in my career. I was given the incredible opportunity to teach art to kids on a Canadian TV network. This was a dream come true as a professional artist passionate about teaching. The producers and I connected instantly; our initial meetings were filled with enthusiasm and mutual excitement. There was just one simple step left—I needed to submit a syllabus for approval. But instead of seizing this golden opportunity, I withdrew, and they never heard from me again.

Why did I retreat? 

Fear had gripped me: fear of being exposed as less capable than expected. This wasn’t my first experience of stopping short due to fear. It took me years to recognize this pattern and to understand why I, like many others, get stuck.

I’m Susan Lazar Hart, a transformational mindset coach, creator of the Congruent Living Method, and the founder of the Congruent Living Academy. My professional journey has taught me the importance of understanding why people resist change even when they deeply desire transformation.

Here’s why many with great intentions stay stuck:

  • Comfort: The familiar is easy, even when it’s not fulfilling. True change requires stepping out of your comfort zone, a challenge only some are ready to face.
  • Environment: Our surroundings and companions can discourage change. My clients often find that their aspirations for growth can threaten those content with the status quo.
  • Old Stories: My narrative, “What if I’m not as good as they think I am?” kept me from moving forward. Instead of facing potential failure, I chose invisibility, which only fueled cycles of self-judgment.
  • Self-Judgment: Living in a constant state of self-criticism is debilitating. It reinforces the belief that we’re unworthy of success, making it even harder to pursue our dreams.

Breaking free from these limiting beliefs isn’t about dramatic overhauls but consistent, manageable steps. This approach of ‘stacking wins’ helps gradually build new, supportive beliefs and habits.

This is precisely why I offer laser coaching and foster a supportive online community. These resources provide the environment and encouragement necessary to break free from old patterns and embrace a life of possibility and fulfillment.

If you’re ready to leave the shadows of doubt and live a life you truly desire, I invite you to join my six-month laser coaching program. Together, we’ll navigate the challenges and celebrate the victories, ensuring you have the support needed every step of the way.

Change is within reach—it starts with a single, small action. Let’s embark on this journey together.

Get all of the details at https://susanlazarhart.com/lasercoaching/