How to Make 2023 YOUR Year of Choice and Growth

Jan 8, 2023

How To Make 2023 YOUR Year of Choice and Growth!

So often I hear people say, “I’m looking for my purpose.”

Here’s the thing, our “Purpose” isn’t an object or destination, but rather an energy. An inner drive of what influences you. It can be a sense of direction and meaning in your life. For some it’s connected to shaping a specific target. Influencing your behavior. It’s what motivates you to get up in the morning.

Are you ready to stop feeling like you don’t know what your purpose is and discover what’s possible? To uncover that secret sauce? You’re in the right place.

If you want to start off the year with focus and purpose. To create a congruent life that gives you choice and encourages personal growth, keep on reading!

The first thing is understanding what congruent means. It’s a delicious feeling of inherent trust in yourself.

Years ago, I’d first heard the word congruent used by Tony Robbins from his seminar, Unleash Your Power Within.

Immediately I was drawn to the word congruent! I guess you could say it spoke to me. I loved its power! Its meaning and energy! All that it creates. Ever evolving and changing. That’s what led me to creating The Congruent Method and The Congruent Living Academy.

When you think about what being congruent means and looks like, it’s incredibly empowering. It’s also essential to a joyful life that you love.

When you’re congruent, you’re more at peace with your intentions. That inner trust and voice that aligns with the juicy energies and discovering all that you want to create and what’s possible.

Being congruent builds confidence. You find clarity and stop doubting yourself.

It opens you up to see your visions more clearly. It’s a beautiful, ever-expanding process of self-discovery. Always growing… evolving… creating!

The key to discovering your very special secret sauce, that meaningful purpose that you desire, is being congruent with, and aligning energetically with you. It’s focusing on one – or all of your four key quadrants:


1.    Your lifestyle

2.    Your finances

3.    Your relationships with yourself and others

4.    Self education

It’s important that you recognize what it is that you’re standing for. What you’re passionate about. Tap into that.

As you start the new year, I encourage you to set some time for yourself. Ask yourself what you want for 2023. What does it look like? My tip, and one of the exercises we do in the Academy is to keep a journal. Write down your ideas and what inspires you. Stretch yourself outward.

Don’t focus on what you think you can and can’t do. But rather what it is that you’re asking for.

How amazing would it be to create and live a nurturing life that supports you in what you’re asking to create and where you’re asking to be?

Imagine how it would feel…  to put an end to your self-doubt. To no longer feel unsure of the directions and decisions you’ve made in the past. To discover that you no longer need to settle for things in your life.

When you create a congruent life, you can stop sitting on the sidelines, wishing things were different. Make this new year YOUR YEAR to live by choice. To grow and create a life you love!

I also encourage you to reach out and get the support and encouragement you need. You don’t have to do it alone.

My coaching process in the Congruent Living Academy means that I’ll walk you through ALL the steps to create the deliciously congruent and confident life you desire, along with the beautiful support and encouragement from the other members.

I would love to hear which one of those results of a congruent life resonates the most with you? Share in the comments below.

“Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment.”
– Stephen Covey – 

Have a wonderful week filled with appreciation and gratitude!

Here’s to creating a life you love,

P.S. Remember, you don’t have to do 2023 alone, that’s what our supportive community and monthly personal coaching calls in the Congruent Living Academy is for.

Curious? Learn more here: Congruent Living Academy

There’s no time like the present.

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