Celebrating Your Choices With the Universe

Sep 1, 2023

Celebrating Your Choices With the Universe


Good day, wonderful souls! Today, let’s explore the intriguing world of resistance and the magic that unfolds when we align our choices with the universe’s flow.

Embrace the Joy of What’s Already Here:

Amidst the beauty of nature’s ever-changing canvas, there’s a timeless serenity that sweeps us into its embrace and provides an abundance of joy. 

Yet, isn’t it curious that many of us find ourselves resisting this joy?

The world is filled with beauty and positivity, waiting for us to embrace it. 

So, I ask you: What wonderful opportunities, experiences, or feelings are already present in your life that you might be unknowingly resisting?

Choice and Alignment:

Have you ever noticed how things seem to fall into place when you’ve made a decision and are aligned with it? 

It’s because you’ve chosen it wholeheartedly and removed any barriers of resistance. 

Often, we make choices only to later undermine them with doubts, self-criticism, or old stories. Remember, the universe is abundant, and your choices don’t have to match your expectations perfectly to be incredible.

Challenge Your Self-Imposed Limits:

You’ve chosen a path, whether it’s a relationship, a creative endeavor, or personal growth. But have you ever felt a sudden loss of interest or see things not unfold as you imagined? 

It’s time to confront the decisions you’ve made that are silently blocking your congruence with your choices. These decisions might be remnants of old stories, doubts, or fears that limit your potential.

Confronting Resistance:

Let’s be real with ourselves. We often resist because we fear the unknown or doubt our worthiness. However, the universe rewards action. If you sense resistance creeping in after you’ve made a choice, it’s crucial to ask: What decisions have I made that are keeping me from fully embracing this choice? Write them down, confront them, and acknowledge that they’re holding you back.

Release the Myth of Time:

Time isn’t the barrier we perceive it to be. Time is a creation, and it’s within your power to bend it to your advantage. Instead of overwhelming yourself with endless to-do lists, consider focusing on a single priority for your day—something that aligns with your overall desires. By letting go of the self-imposed constraints of time, you open yourself up to true productivity and creative flow.

Love and Let Go of Past Impressions:

It’s time to challenge those old impressions that have been influencing your choices. Have you ever made decisions out of fear, based on past experiences, or the opinions of others? 

Recognize that these impressions are not truly yours. Reconnect with your heart’s desires, whether it’s through the love for your pets, the beauty of nature, or the happiness your kids bring you. 

Embrace this energy and send it out into the universe as a beacon for more to come.

Prioritize Your Choices over Resistance:

Are you giving more attention to your resistance than your choices? It’s easy to get caught up in overthinking and negativity. Shift your focus and intention towards growth and possibility. When you recognize that your priority is your choice, you’ll find that your energy shifts and the universe responds accordingly. Allow your choices to guide your actions and embrace the momentum.

Let Go and Let Flow:

Remember, what others think of you is not your concern. Let go of the need to control their perceptions or reactions. Instead, tap into your heart’s desires, embrace your choices, and release resistance. Choose to be in harmony with the infinite possibilities life offers. Embrace the joy of being you without hesitation or compromise.

I’m here to guide you on this journey of embracing your choices and releasing resistance. Together, let’s choose congruence, joy, and boundless growth. Your life is your canvas, and you’re the artist creating a masterpiece. Embrace your role, let go of limitations, and let your heart lead the way.

Live boldly, love greatly, and shine as the fearless leader you were destined to be. If you’re ready to uncover the depths of your potential, I’m here to walk this path with you.

“The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.”


Have a wonderful week filled with love and gratitude! Here’s to living a life you love. Big hugs,

P.S.Elevate your journey with exclusive 1:1 laser coaching. Limited spots for transformative sessions. Embrace change and lasting joy today: Secure Your Spot Here

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