
Featured Testimonials

What People Are Saying

The Congruent Method is like nothing else on the market! It’s designed to reframe your thoughts around health, abundance, relationships, and self-love!

I’ve never met anyone quite like Susan. I’ve seen her speak many times now and she never fails to transform a room with her charm, unifying the most skeptical and diverse groups through humor and her willingness to be totally present and truthful…

Danielle Cantin
Branding & Marketing Consultant
Susan inspired our audience and gave them practical tools on how to be a leader in their lives. If you’re looking for a great speaker, someone who can really inspire your audience and add some playfulness and humor in the process, Susan is definitely your woman.

George Carroll
Founder & Creator – The Greatest Year of Your Life Event
I wasn’t in a great place at the start of the year, I felt I needed some help to get me through moving on to a new place. Little did I know Coronavirus would shut my business down and within a few weeks, it felt right to work with Susan.
I was so grateful to have someone see the bigger picture in how I help people I have struggled being confident in being visible online, but as a result of working with Susan, I seemed to draw in the right people to help me launch an Easter online declutter wardrobe challenge, which was brilliant and I will do it again.
I have a new name for my business and I am finding it much easier to work with clients online, which is better for everyone! I found the inspiration to re-launch The Kids Cooking Club, which was set up as a fun fundraising site for my nieces and nephew.
I can’t wait to see where my business goes from here!

Tessa Grey
York, UK
The first time I heard of Susan Lazar Hart was at an event in Costa Rica. She presented an hour-long workshop on Right Relationship for You…and I was blown away!!!! She communicated with piercing clarity and humor…weaving in the stories of her 33 year-long relationship. The hippy and the jock…sooo funny!!! She is a stand-up comedian extraordinaire!! She uses her tools of inquiry so expertly and with the integrity and authenticity of the pro that she is. I learned a lot from the example she set of no judgment and no assumption as well as how quickly she responded to the audience’s questions. The notion of ‘deal breaker’ is very useful in the couple counseling I do. And, I could totally relate to some of the dynamics she shared in her relationship with her husband of 33 years….. not too unlike my marriage of 33 years as well. Susan Lazar Hart’s presentation was indeed a highlight of my time in Costa Rica.

Susan Lazar Hart is a gifted coach and speaker. She knows exactly how to dig deep into the question and help draw the answers out of her clients. Using her unique process, intuition and wisdom, she gently guides her clients to experience lasting transformative results. Susan’s compassion and kindness shine through all she does. I highly recommend Susan to anyone looking to step into what is possible and transform their life.

Heather E. Wilson
CEO | Coach | Mentor | Trainer | Speaker
I am writing to say that I truly enjoyed listening to Susan Lazar Hart speaking on dating. I especially enjoyed the meditation on bringing the future forward and imagining the next 5 years. At first I found it difficult to “imagine” as I have not dated in about 5 years-but as I did the meditation, I realized that I am absolutely worthy of finding and having a great man in my future! I especially liked Susan’s notion of thinking of “expectations” and any EX as being of the past. That really helps to stop me from getting caught in the thoughts of what has happened for me with the men in my life in the past. Thank you again for providing us with incredible powerful women to listen to and learn from! Thank you to Susan Lazar Hart for her empowering words!

Vancouver, BC, Canada
Before I reached out to Susan, I was working with some concepts regarding consciousness. I read multiple books and did not find the answers to my questions. After just one conversation with Susan, I got answers to my questions. It felt like drinking from an ocean. I loved how Susan’s presence created this expansion within me that all of a sudden it all made sense. She has a wonderful way of explaining even the hardest to understand concepts. I saved at least a year of confusion, struggle, searching for solution, just with one conversation. Now, I understand my own role in the creation process so much better. I have started to align with vibration of play and joy with ease. I finally understand what it’s like to JUST PLAY in life!!! Big one for me. I would say if you feel like you are going in circles in your life, or sometimes feel like a hamster on the wheel, then it’s about time you have a conversation with Susan. She is BRILLIANT!!

Alia Jamal
The Love Coach
Susan is a fantastic coach. She opened my eyes to many of the places I’ve been sticking myself.
I have been taking consciousness related classes for approximately 6 years yet there were still places where I wasn’t getting clear in my personal life and judging myself for not being able to achieve clarity. In working with Susan I’ve been able to eliminate doubt in my choices and reduce judgment of myself and others for what they choose, in particular members of my family.
Shortly after we started working together one of my 9 year old boys had a heart event during swimming lessons. I reached out to Susan and she helped me and helped my son energetically heal. Today he is almost back to his normal self and while he’ll remain on Beta blockers he’s enjoying life again.
Next steps are to continue to expand from where we are and create even more joy in my life.
Thank you for everything you be.

Dom Theaker
Hi Susan,
I was working toward creating a business and kept finding that I was self sabotaging and/or hitting walls. You provided a safe space to let all of my thoughts/feelings/fears/doubts/triumphs and successes come to light. You gave me a new viewpoint at which to frame and look at my words and way of being with my life. (I have) a greater sense of looking at how I react and walk through events in my life…seeing things from a wider scope and higher viewpoint.

Linda Voll
Dear Susan,
I am writing to truly thank you so much for being YOU!
I absolutely love your style and the way that you facilitate and the way that you facilitate change. I love the questions you ask. I often now asking myself, “Where am I in this?”, “Who am I being when I say/think this?” and with just these two tools I gain so much awareness.
Thank you so much for being YOU, I so look forward to attending your classes in PERSON (I’m asking the Universe! What would it take??) and look forward to learning from you.
With so much gratitude,

Stacy Ho
I’ve had the good fortune to have Susan speaking at three different events over the years. When you hire Susan to speak you are not simply getting a presenter. You are getting someone who has for many years facilitated energetic transformation for thousands of people! This unique gift of hers and her willingness to be totally and profoundly present creates the space for your audience to become aware in a way they may not have ever done before. Susan presents with vulnerability and joy and invites the audience to shift their perspective of who we have thought ourselves to be up until now… in order to create a higher vision of what is truly possible, a space of expansiveness. I’d highly recommend Susan if you’re looking for a speaker to inspire, elevate and entertain your group.

Kathy Basel
“Limitless: Women Rising” Speaker Series
I knew I had some limiting beliefs, blocks preventing me from creating income streams, keeping unwanted pounds on my body and wanting to move forward with purpose in creating my heart’s desires. I resonate with the authentic, down-to-earth way you present ways of looking at the roadblocks that can crop up from our past, stuck in our subconscious and negative thoughts. You present new tools that add value to move forward in creating the life of our desires positively. Inspiration, Inspiration, Inspiration, value in the information you share. I relate exciting things I have learned and experienced to my family and friends as it applies to everyday life. Thank you, Susan, for your contributions!!! Feeling so grateful!!!

Rosanna (Rose) Bowers
Health and Wellness Advocate
After many major changes in my life, I felt off balance, tired and uncertain where to go next. I needed to create more for myself. I was striving for clarity, freedom and joy in all areas of my life. Sure, we all know about the law of attraction, but there is so much more to it, and I was just about to discover it. As I was seeking for answers, I met Susan. I first started to attend the Facebook live Ask Susan Sunday and found that it all resonated with me at a deeper level. I was interested in Susan’s way of approaching personal growth. Her way of exploring ideas and playing with energy has been of great value for me. And so, I decided to embark on this journey of Self-discovery for a six-month private coaching.
If I had to do it again, I would without any hesitation. There is no word that exists that can appropriately express how I feel right now. After this six-month coaching, I feel more empowered and at peace with myself than ever before. Not only do I feel more freedom in my life, but I also now have the tools to create more freedom for myself. That journey with Susan made me realise just that: You are the creator. You are the energy behind everything. You are the one you have been waiting for.
In becoming aware of my own creative abilities, I am now being present in the moment. Asking questions remain the best tool to align with what I am asking to create in my life. I am in so much gratitude to have had the chance to work with Susan one on one. I plan on continuing the journey to be who and what I truly be.
Thank you, Susan, for your guidance and incredibly deep awareness of “What is.

Patricia Roberts
Quebec, Canada
When I first contacted Susan, I was feeling buried and stuck.
I was literally at that point in my life and my businesses where I knew a major change was required.
I felt overwhelmed by all these distractions, and clutter both in my personal space and professional life, that seemed to flatten me, stop me in my tracks.
Right from our first session, Susan’s awesome awareness provided me with questions, tools, phrases and strategies that had me focusing on where I would really like to put my energies.
How to create with targets and how to let go of what was draining me.
I now have a different business I am creating with where all parts of my business are talking to each other. It’s a new unifying energy for me.
I’m not flattened anymore by all the stuff that was getting in my way.
Now my attitude is Okay, I’ll just get these things done. That in itself is a totally different energy than when we began
I have much more space and more possibilities. I’m excited about life and creating again. My body feels really different – more at ease, smoother, more vital. It’s a pleasure to move again!
Now I’m asking questions about where else I would like to go with what I am creating. Everything is possible.
What would you tell others who might be interested in hiring me for their strategies in creating a juicy joyous congruent life?
The energy around everything has changed. Our first session was on my birthday. Treating myself to her offer of unlimited laser coaching was the best gift I could have given myself.
I highly suggest if you’re feeling lost, overwhelmed by too many choices, lacking focus, or just requiring someone to be there for you, Susan is that person who will have your back, listen and give you clarity on how to create a joy-filled and fulfilling life and the bonus was, it was the availability of her attention, awareness and amazing transformational energy space I tapped into whenever the need for something to change arose.

Ziporah Hildebrandt
Every now and then I was struggling to be me, to choose for me, and to have clarity. Sometimes I felt I was in a situation where doing the right thing was not what I wanted….. I felt confused, my mind was racing like crazy so many times a week. I knew I needed guidance and support so I could be and feel more like myself. I knew that if I could be myself, things would be easier. But in most situations, I wasn’t able to have that space for myself. So when I saw this opportunity to work with Susan, I knew it would be helpful. Money was a concern, so I initially hesitated to buy. But I couldn’t get it out of my head. I kept asking for spiritual guidance – will working with Susan help me? Every time the answer I received was yes. I knew then, that I had to do it, but I had never spent that much on myself. I had always believed that I shouldn’t spend this much money on myself – especially for this type of support. I’m so glad that I invested in myself.
Susan offered me insight and direction to help me discover my true self. To be in a space of joy and give more to taking care of myself. Whenever I find I’m reverting back to old behaviors or feel that I’m not focusing on taking care of myself, I’ll book an appointment with Susan. Before my sessions, I look at how I’m feeling from a different angle. It gives me a fresh perspective. My way of looking at things – and at my problems has changed. I’m not always in my story now. In the past four months working with Susan, I always knew she was there for me. She’s shown me how to look at problems and situations differently now. To ask myself certain questions to gather more information on why I’m feeling that way.
I look forward to continuing to work with Susan. She’s shown me how to create a life that works for me. To build new habits and systems that work for my health, happiness, and living with joy. To actually play and live fully on my terms, my way!

Muskaan Jain