Owning Your True Voice: When Did You Decide It Was Better to Hide?

Oct 17, 2024

Have you ever asked yourself, When did I decide it was better to hide my voice than to let my light shine?

For me, that decision could have been made when I was very little—being told I was too loud, that I asked too many questions, or that I should already know the answers. Or maybe it was when I was 10, dancing with my girlfriends at camp, and one of the boys said, “Why are you such a show-off?”

I share these stories with you because I want you to know—you’re not alone. From childhood, we are subtly (or sometimes not-so-subtly) taught to hide parts of ourselves. To tone it down. To blend in. These messages shape us, leading us to quiet our voices, dim our light, and fit into the mold of what’s “acceptable.”

But here’s the truth: You’ve made it this far. And if you’re reading this, congratulations—you have more courage than you probably realize.

Owning Your Voice Is About Reclaiming Yourself

Owning your voice is about so much more than speaking up. It’s about standing fully in your truth. It’s about reclaiming the parts of yourself you’ve kept hidden for far too long. It’s about allowing yourself to be seen—exactly as you are—and letting go of the fear of what others might think.

The truth is, owning your voice doesn’t mean finding something new inside yourself. It’s about uncovering what’s been there all along. It’s about peeling back the layers of fear, judgment, and doubt that have silenced you, and rediscovering the freedom to express who you truly are.

I’ve Been There, Too

I know firsthand that this isn’t easy. I’ve been there. For years, I held back, afraid to share my truth. I had ideas, thoughts, and feelings that I kept quiet. I worried about what others might think—if my words were “good enough,” or if people would even understand what I was trying to say.

But one day, I asked myself, What if I stopped hiding? What if I let my voice be heard, even if it felt uncomfortable? What if I shared what was on my heart, no matter how imperfect it might be?

So, I started sharing. And you know what happened? Strangers, old friends, new friends—they began reaching out to me. They told me how much they needed to hear what I had to say, how my words had inspired them and reminded them of their own truth. That’s when I realized that owning your voice isn’t just about you—it’s about the ripple effect. Your courage to speak up can inspire others to do the same.

When You Own Your Voice, Everything Shifts

Owning my voice allowed me to take bold steps toward the dreams I had held onto for years—dreams I once thought were “too big” or “too much.” Today, I’m coaching others to do the same: to find their true voice, embrace their path, and live life on their own terms.

But here’s the thing—when you don’t own your voice, you’re likely hiding a part of yourself. You’re dimming your light. And I get it—it’s scary. We’ve all been conditioned to believe that we need to fit in, to seek approval, and to avoid standing out too much. Fear of judgment, fear of being misunderstood—these are real, and they can keep us silent for years, sometimes even a lifetime.

But the more we hide, the more disconnected we become from ourselves. The more we quiet our voice, the harder it becomes to live authentically.

You Can Reclaim Your Voice

Owning your voice is about saying “yes” to who you are and “no” to the fear of what others might think. And the more you allow yourself to express who you really are, the easier it becomes. The more you practice showing up as your true self, the deeper your impact on the world will be.

So, I want to ask you: When did you decide it was better to hide your voice? And more importantly—are you ready to reclaim it?

Because here’s the thing: your voice is needed. Your story, your truth, your light—none of it is too much. In fact, the world needs more of you. The more you allow yourself to be heard, the more you give others permission to do the same.

The Ripple Effect of Owning Your Voice

When you own your voice, you show up differently in the world. You no longer mold yourself to fit into other people’s expectations. You no longer dim your light to make others comfortable. Instead, you live boldly, authentically, and unapologetically as you.

And that ripple effect? It’s real. When you embrace your truth, you inspire others to do the same. You create a space for others to feel seen and heard. You become a beacon for those who are still hiding, showing them that it’s possible to step into their own power.

Ready to Own Your True Voice?

So, I’ll ask again: When did you decide it was better to hide your voice? And what would it take for you to let that light shine?

Owning your voice will change how you show up in the world. It will change how you live, work, and interact with the people around you. And most importantly, it will change how you feel about yourself. When you let go of the need for approval and step fully into your truth, everything shifts.

You’ve got this. You have more courage than you know, and I’m here to remind you that your voice is needed, right here, right now.

Let’s Connect!

If you’re ready to reclaim your voice and step into your truth, let’s talk. I’m here to help you rediscover the power of your own voice and create a life that reflects who you truly are.

 Have a question for me? Needing some clarity in creating a life you love?

Let’s Connect!   Visit  https://susanlazarhart.as.me/clarity-call  to schedule a Clarity Call  where we can uncover what you truly desire to create with your life and map out your next best steps.

 Looking for my book Breaking Free? Let me make it easy for you.`



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