Balancing your healthy boundaries to make others feel better about themselves? Do you find that you stop yourself from moving forward as you wait for others to catch up? That although you want to grow and evolve, you feel as though you...
Doing this will help you slow down and be present
Doing this will help you slow down and be present. Doing this will help you slow down and be present... Have you ever noticed that the first thing people can't help but ask you is “So… what do you do?” Not “Who are you?” or “Tell me about...
How to fall back in love with… you
How to fall back in love with… you! Have you ever watched a sweet little baby as they lift their tiny hands and stare at them with absolute fascination? As a baby discovers their arms, hands, feet, and legs, they fall in love with their little body.It’s a beautiful...
What are you REALLY looking for in a relationship?
What are you REALLY looking for in a relationship? Have you ever asked yourself what it is that you really want in a relationship? I’m not talking about their physical attributes – although, hey, that can help with the attraction. But what about those other important...
Have you told THIS person “I love you”?
Have you told THIS person “I love you”? When someone tells you that they love you, how does it make you feel? Warm? Fuzzy?... Valued? Maybe it’s all those delicious emotions. So, here’s a question for ya! When was the last time you declared your love to…YOURSELF? Not...
Worried because you can’t see your future? Worried because you can’t see your future? You’ve heard me talk about the power of connecting to your future self. It’s an effective way for you to visualize, contemplate, and consider all that’s possible! To dig deep and think about what...
3 easy steps to help you connect to your future self! 3 easy steps to help you connect to your future self! Have you ever imagined your future self?Thought about what you really desire for your future?This isn’t about basic tasks, or what you’ll be able to do… or even not do. It’s about...
Use these tools to Reconnect to Your True Nature
Use these tools to Re-Connect to Your True Nature Do you struggle with FOMO?... the fear of missing out? Or find yourself trying to fit in… just because everyone else seems happy doing just that? How many times have you found yourself grasping for narratives that are...
How to Make 2023 YOUR Year of Choice and Growth
So often I hear people say, “I’m looking for my purpose.” Here’s the thing, our “Purpose” isn’t an object or destination, but rather an energy. An inner drive of what influences you. It can be a sense of direction and meaning in your life. For some it’s connected to...
Being Congruent. The Beginners Guide Congruent. The Beginners Guide. It’s a question that many have asked. What IS being congruent? The definition of congruent is “being in agreement” or in harmony. It’s having two things that can exist in harmony, without issues. That’s...