Welcome to an extraordinary time of celebration and transformation! As we embrace the arrival of the Summer Solstice, let’s immerse ourselves in the abundance of sunlight and the beauty of nature’s blossoming. This June 21st marks an auspicious day where we can...
Embrace the Power of Envisioning Your Extraordinary Future Hey there, seekers and creatives! Susan Lazar Hart here, ready to dive into a topic that has been on my mind lately: envisioning your big vision for the future. I’ve been having inspiring conversations...
The Powerful Connection Between Intuition and Affirmations Part of our journey through life, there is discovering the powerful connection between our intuition and the affirmations we choose to embrace.Intuition and Affirmation – A Dynamic DuoPicture intuition...
Do you ever feel like you’re not living up to your full potential? Do you struggle with making decisions or feel like you’re not sure which path to take in life? It’s time to tap into your intuition. So, what is intuition? Intuition is your gut...
As humans, we all have an inner voice that guides us toward a more authentic, fulfilling life. This inner voice is called intuition, and it acts as a compass that points us in the right direction. In this blog post, I’ll share three tips to help you align your...
Are you tired of feeling unfulfilled and wondering if there’s more to life than what you’re experiencing? If that’s a yes, now’s the time to learn what being in service to your heart’s desires can create . At the Congruent Living Academy, we...