Have You Stayed True to What Matters Most to You This Year?
As we enter the final months of 2024, it’s a natural time to pause and reflect. Many of us find ourselves asking big questions: Have I stayed true to what matters most to me this year? Have I created a life that aligns with my vision? These questions invite us to look...
The Power of Growth: Exploring the G in Congruent Living
Life is an ongoing journey of transformation, and with each step, we encounter opportunities to grow, learn, and evolve. In the Congruent Living Academy, the G stands for Grow, Guide, Gift, Generate, and Guard Against—five powerful words that are key to creating a...
Navigating the Rough Seas of Life Without Giving Up
Navigating the Rough Seas of Life Without Giving Up We’ve all faced moments in life when things just don’t seem to go our way. Whether it’s challenges at work, struggles in relationships, or personal setbacks, it’s easy to feel like giving up when the seas get...
Owning Your True Voice: When Did You Decide It Was Better to Hide?
Have you ever asked yourself, When did I decide it was better to hide my voice than to let my light shine? For me, that decision could have been made when I was very little—being told I was too loud, that I asked too many questions, or that I should already know the...