Start your spring with a clean slate
Start your spring with a clean slate using this 3-step strategy As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, new growth begins to emerge from the warmth of the sun. Everything begins to bloom and blossom into life… including yourself! When we celebrate the spring...
Use these simple techniques to start listening to your heart
Spring is all about resurgence. To shed the old and make way for the new. Open up the window to your soul, and clear out what’s not working, and breathe in the fresh thoughts, wants, and desires, and step into what is working! Hey, we’ve all been there, when you feel...
Are you willing to ask yourself these tough question?
Have you ever felt like you’re not living the life you were meant to live? That you’re just going through the motions, day after day, without any real sense of purpose or direction? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us go through life feeling...
How to Make 2023 YOUR Year of Choice and Growth
So often I hear people say, “I’m looking for my purpose.” Here’s the thing, our “Purpose” isn’t an object or destination, but rather an energy. An inner drive of what influences you. It can be a sense of direction and meaning in your life. For some it’s connected to...