My secret for dealing with family drama during the holidays
Does the thought of getting together with family for a holiday dinner… well, ruin your appetite? Is the dread of past memories and unpleasant stories seeping into your mind? Do you feel like your mother, father, sister or brother always know how to push your buttons?...
Four Tips to stop struggling with self doubt and start creating success!
Have you ever thought about this? Success is a state of mind… not a condition. What you may consider to be successful might be completely different for someone else. Success in and of itself is unique to everyone. So why do we struggle with finding our own successes?...
Why The Most Important Loving Relationship is… With YOU!
Love is often presented as a “consequence.” Unfortunately, many of us are taught at a very young age that love is rewarded TO us. That we’ll be loved if we do as we’re told… or when we display good behavior. We need to understand that love is NOT a reward. It’s NOT a...
4 Easy Steps to Nurture Your Spirit
Are you nurturing your spirit? When most of us hear the word spirit or spirituality, we automatically assume it has religious connotations. But spirituality is so much more! We can be the healthiest person, yet we still feel off, feeling ill, emotionally, mentally, or...