Putting Yourself First Masterclass

Putting Yourself First

Are you a people pleaser?


Do you ever wonder… When will I get what I want out of life?

Is that even possible?

I want you to be completely honest with yourself!

Deep in the recess of your mind, do you feel life has passed you by?

Are you wishing for the life you could have had if only you weren’t spending all your time and energy, taking care of:

  • Kids
  • Your partner
  • Parents
  • Paying the bills
  • Family obligations
  • Other people’s demands on your time
  • And ALL those other responsibilities I haven’t even mentioned!

It’s no wonder we often feel depleted, wondering where our life went, when there’s nothing left in the tank for ourselves!

Can you relate?

At one point in my life I was raising 4 kids under the age of 14, going to night school to get my degree and “trying” to be the perfect wife, mom, cook, artist, organizer and daughter. Talk about a recipe for disaster!!!

I was walking around feeling frustrated, depressed and angry.

My life felt like such a chore in which I was always trying to play catch up.

And then one day I read this quote

“When you are raised to be a people pleaser dedicated to making everyone else happy, you can really can make yourself quite miserable”

People pleaser? Me? What a life changer!!!

Knowing that continuing to live this way was a recipe for disaster, I began to invest in myself with courses in self transformation, energetic healing,quantum physics, conflict management and positive intelligence which have all contributed to the development in creating The Congruent Method.

My life is so different now.

I wake up happy, rested, knowing that now when I set my day with intention, putting my needs on the agenda of my day, I feel more satisfied, accomplished and willing to contribute to others.

The truth is, I’m living a life that I love!

​​Turns out that putting your needs first is crucial for having balance in your life and in your relationships. If you don’t, you’ll run into burnout at work, home, and in general – because you’re filling from an empty cup.

Prioritizing your needs doesn’t mean you’re in total disregard for others’ feelings and needs! It means you’re putting your oxygen mask on first— so you are better equipped to help others.

That’s why I created this free masterclass just for you:

Putting Yourself First!


This free masterclass is for you if you’re asking:

How do I do this in practice??

In this Free Putting Yourself First Masterclass I’m going to take you through proven strategies that my clients love, the ones that I use every day.

Because here’s what I know for sure:

When you take care of yourself first, it leads to self-fulfillment, improving your self-esteem, energy and performance in all areas of your life.

Putting Yourself First isn’t selfish. It’s essential for self-preservation. It makes you feel fantastic! Empowered! Re-energized!

So do this for you…

All you need is an hour!

This Putting Yourself First Masterclass is 60 minutes packed with valuable information to help YOU take care of you!


Imagine how great it would feel to start putting yourself first. Making the time to:

  • Get to know yourself again
  • Reconnect to your natural rhythm
  • Start your day feeling calm and rested
  • Meet your needs and not feel guilty!

See you on February 28, 2023, at 11 am EST | 9 am MST | 8 am PST


Choose Your Date

February 28th at 11 am ET

March 2 at 2 pm ET

Who is Susan Lazar Hart?

A coach, mentor, speaker and author, Susan’s honored to have witnessed the beautiful transformation of her clients, worldwide, using The Congruent Method.

Susan’s been featured at One Woman, Vermont Women’s Expo, CTV Breakfast Television, The National Women’s Show in Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal, Right Relationship For You, and more…

Described as joyful, tenacious, creative, and deeply caring, Susan is fearless in how she approaches life! That includes exploring the world with her husband Ricky, painting, cooking, and spending time with her children and grandchildren!

Susan created The Congruent Method for people just like you – Asking for more joy and success in your life, looking for support and mentorship in creating a life they love.

Here’s what Heather E. Wilson had to say about Susan

“Susan Lazar Hart is a gifted coach and speaker. She knows exactly how to dig deep into the question and help draw the answers out of her clients. Using her unique process, intuition and wisdom, she gently guides her clients to experience lasting transformative results. Susan’s compassion and kindness shine through all she does. I highly recommend Susan to anyone looking to step into what is possible and transform their life.”

Heather E. Wilson