Have you ever imagined your future self? Thought about what you really desire for your future? This isn’t about basic tasks, or what you’ll be able to do… or even not do. It’s about tapping in and asking yourself, what it is that you want to do and be in the future....
Use these tools to Reconnect to Your True Nature
Use these tools to Re-Connect to Your True Nature Do you struggle with FOMO?... the fear of missing out? Or find yourself trying to fit in… just because everyone else seems happy doing just that? How many times have you found yourself grasping for narratives that are...
How to Make 2023 YOUR Year of Choice and Growth
So often I hear people say, “I’m looking for my purpose.” Here’s the thing, our “Purpose” isn’t an object or destination, but rather an energy. An inner drive of what influences you. It can be a sense of direction and meaning in your life. For some it’s connected to...
Being Congruent. The Beginners Guide
Being Congruent. The Beginners Guide. It’s a question that many have asked. What IS being congruent? The definition of congruent is “being in agreement” or in harmony. It’s having two things that can exist in harmony, without issues. That’s how your life should feel....
Are you caught up in your own SNAFU?!
As the year comes to a close, do you find yourself in, what I call a SNAFU? Now you know I love playing with acronyms. Most of us are familiar with those WTF moments we all have. So, what IS a SNAFU? It means Simply Normal and F*%#ED Up! It’s that feeling of “What the...
9 Top Tips to help put the Me back in Merry!
Too often, especially during the holidays, we get caught up in all the rushing around, getting things done for work, your family and all those other responsibilities that you take on.Now imagine if you were to put yourself first. What would it feel like to honor...
Are you pushing away what you truly desire?
Do you find yourself wondering how you got to where you are?… Frustrated that you haven’t achieved your dreams? Before you figure out what’s missing, you first need to ask yourself if you’re truly living a life you love? The life you desire… one that you’ve always...
Use these tips to help you overcome your fear of change
If it ain’t broke… Don’t fix it! Sound familiar? Change can be challenging for all of us. Just the thought of change can get our heart racing and palms sweating. That’s because when something doesn't feel familiar our defenses go up. You see, whether we’re conscious...
My secret for dealing with family drama during the holidays
Does the thought of getting together with family for a holiday dinner… well, ruin your appetite? Is the dread of past memories and unpleasant stories seeping into your mind? Do you feel like your mother, father, sister or brother always know how to push your buttons?...
Four Tips to stop struggling with self doubt and start creating success!
Have you ever thought about this? Success is a state of mind… not a condition. What you may consider to be successful might be completely different for someone else. Success in and of itself is unique to everyone. So why do we struggle with finding our own successes?...