The images were shocking – a beautiful modern home collapsing. As if it was being swallowed up by the ground around it! How can something so solid fall apart? It was deemed that the foundation had unknowingly developed cracks. It was those fractures that caused the...
How to Tell if You’re Self Sabotaging Your Life to Please Others
You’ve worked hard, seen incredible growth and made amazing progress in your life… and then you stop and let it all go! Sound familiar? You’re probably wondering – why would I sabotage my life? And why in the world would I do it to please others? When we grow, evolve...
The Secret to Dealing with Those Negative Voices in Our Head
You know the ones. The voices that tell us we “can’t” or “shouldn’t” try something new. Those naysayers in our head that leave us second guessing ourselves and damaging our self confidence. The good news is…you’re not alone. We all hear them! Now you’ll often hear me...
3 Easy Tips to Build Your Self Confidence
How can I build my confidence and why is it so important?Self Confidence is an inside job! It’s believing in ourselves. Feeling assured in our qualities and abilities. It’s what makes us resilient while benefiting our mental and emotional health. When we’re confident,...
Belief in you starts here
This month’s theme is all about believing in you. We’re kicking it off with this question from one of our members:Susan, I was brought up to believe in others more than myself, how can I change that? My advice?Start listening to your inner voice. We were brought up to...
It’s time to build your dream
It’s time to build your dream Do you ever feel like there are so many dreams and you don’t know how to get to them? There’s something very exciting about fantasizing about your dreams without actually doing anything about them. It’s safer to never move past the...
Are you tuned into you?
Are you tuned into you? Over the course of this past month I’ve been encouraging you to take a moment and ask this question: What do I truly want out of a relationship with myself? Is it more creativity, adventure, joy, laughter,...
How to self-care your way to self love
When was the last time you fell in love with you? Sound selfish? Nope, not at all.In fact it’s the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. Last week I shared with you how to create a successful relationship, which ultimately comes down to creating a loving...
Are you clear with what you want in a relationship?
When was the last time you sat with yourself and took the time to become fully clear with what you would like in a relationship, any relationship? Have you given yourself permission to become curious with what you want in a partner? The kind of experiences you want to...
Do You Have the Courage to Surrender?
Have you ever stopped to think about how much energy you put into controlling aspects of your life? Normal things that we talk about with control are outcomes, experiences and the way others perceive us… What about the amount of energy we put into controlling our...