It’s time to build your dream Do you ever feel like there are so many dreams and you don’t know how to get to them? There’s something very exciting about fantasizing about your dreams without actually doing anything about them. It’s safer to never move past the...
Are you tuned into you?
Are you tuned into you? Over the course of this past month I’ve been encouraging you to take a moment and ask this question: What do I truly want out of a relationship with myself? Is it more creativity, adventure, joy, laughter,...
How to self-care your way to self love
When was the last time you fell in love with you? Sound selfish? Nope, not at all.In fact it’s the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. Last week I shared with you how to create a successful relationship, which ultimately comes down to creating a loving...
Are you clear with what you want in a relationship?
When was the last time you sat with yourself and took the time to become fully clear with what you would like in a relationship, any relationship? Have you given yourself permission to become curious with what you want in a partner? The kind of experiences you want to...
Do You Have the Courage to Surrender?
Have you ever stopped to think about how much energy you put into controlling aspects of your life? Normal things that we talk about with control are outcomes, experiences and the way others perceive us… What about the amount of energy we put into controlling our...
Have you forgiven yourself yet?
Have you forgiven yourself yet? Have you ever noticed when someone has wronged you, forgiveness may be the last thing on your mind. You’re convinced they deserve all the anger and hostility you can muster. Does your anger harm the other person? Nope. In most...
Courage with Clarity, A Habit to Practice Daily
“Courage with clarity”’ cause it’s never too late to dream big and reach beyond the tried and true. Have you ever noticed that each morning provides you with endless possibilities to recommit to what you’ve been asking to create? As an uber creative and a seeker, new...